Real Products + Real World

3M Canada Graphic Solutions recently conducted an application spotlight involving Auto Trim DESIGN of London as part of their monthly showcase of solutions for designers and fabricators: WRAP IT UP with 3M.  Here’s what 3M Canada had to say in their showcase:


In 2012, 3M Canada Company of London, Ontario officially broke ground on the construction of a two storey, 30,000 sq ft extension of its five storey head office tower.

To reflect the corporate culture in this new office environment, the company enlisted Figure 3, a Toronto design firm that specializes in creating innovative and inspiring workspaces that advance a company’s brand.

3M's Graphic Solutions

With clear agreement on the 3M branding message, Figure 3 had a little difficulty selecting the ideal medium to bring that message to life in the office environment.

3M’s Graphic Solutions offer unlimited ways to transform space with innovative and practical products that meet the diverse needs of building and business owners, designers, architects and other professionals.

[list type=circle_list]
  • Removable cut graphics create tape art that can be updated and removed as corporate visions evolve.
  • Fasara Glass and Crystal Glass Finishes provide the look, privacy and translucency of etched, sandblasted or textured glass.
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Before the Transformation

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After the Transformation



Application Spotlight 3M Corporate Branding – London, Ontario

Real Products + Real World

3M Canada Graphic Solutions recently conducted an application spotlight involving Auto Trim DESIGN of London as part of their monthly showcase of solutions for designers and fabricators: WRAP IT UP with 3M.  Here’s what 3M Canada had to say in their showcase:


In 2012, 3M Canada Company of London, Ontario officially broke ground on the construction of a two storey, 30,000 sq ft extension of its five storey head office tower.

To reflect the corporate culture in this new office environment, the company enlisted Figure 3, a Toronto design firm that specializes in creating innovative and inspiring workspaces that advance a company’s brand.

3M's Graphic Solutions

With clear agreement on the 3M branding message, Figure 3 had a little difficulty selecting the ideal medium to bring that message to life in the office environment.

3M’s Graphic Solutions offer unlimited ways to transform space with innovative and practical products that meet the diverse needs of building and business owners, designers, architects and other professionals.

[list type=circle_list]
  • Removable cut graphics create tape art that can be updated and removed as corporate visions evolve.
  • Fasara Glass and Crystal Glass Finishes provide the look, privacy and translucency of etched, sandblasted or textured glass.
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Before the Transformation

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After the Transformation
